My name is Benjamin Swallow and I am a student at Lava Ridge Intermediate School in Saint George, Utah. I have been selected, in a statewide competition involving more than 72 students at regional and state levels, to represent Utah at the National History Day Contest at the University of Maryland, College Park, and June 12-16, 2011. As one of our delegates to this academic program, I am seeking support to represent my school and community in the group of Utahans at the national contest.
National History Day (NHD) is a nationally acclaimed, academic enrichment program that promotes the study of history in our schools. National History Day does for history what the Science Fair does for science. Each year students like me create exhibits, documentaries, performances, websites and papers about a topic that is related to the annual NHD theme. This year’s theme is “Debate and Diplomacy in History.” I did my (exhibit, paper, etc.) on “The Love Canal.” I found some really interesting information while doing my research. Did you know that there was a site that had toxic chemicals dumped on it and then a school and community were built on the same toxic site, later it was sold by the owner? Neither did I, until National History Day. I got to compete at the state level in (Salt Lake City, Utah on April 19th) and now I am in need of your help to go o
n to the national contest. I have enclosed the web address for my project for you to view,

My participation in the National History Day Contest depends on whether I can raise $1200 to $1500 in sponsorships. (The contest housing is $432.00 and my travel to Washington, DC will be $430.00, entrance fee $100.00, food around $240.00) Through my school and scholarship I currently have $300.00. I am hoping that you can help me with part of these costs. My contest costs must be paid no later than May 31, 2011.
I strongly believe that attending the National History Day Contest will contribute to my education in a way few experiences can. The national contest will be an exceptional learning opportunity for me, and I will have the chance tomeet and compete against students from all over the United States.
I will have a chaperon who will be attending with me, my mom. It will be a great opportunity for the two of us to attend and also to enjoy this once in a lifetime mom-and-son opportunity.
Thanks you!
Benjamin LaDell Swallow
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