Thursday, March 22, 2012

Glen the Squirrel

Glen the Squirrel
The Moral of This Story is the Best Part!

Debby Cantlon, who plans to release Glen, the young squirrel, back into the wild, bottle-fed the infant squirrel after it was brought to her house.
When Cantlon took in the tiny creature and began caring for him, she found herself with an unlikely nurse's aide: her pregnant Papillion, Mademoiselle
Glen was resting in a nest in a cage just days before Giselle was due to deliver her puppies. Cantlon and her husband watched as the dog dragged the squirrel's cage twice to her own bedside before she gave birth.

Cantlon was concerned, yet ultimately decided to allow the squirrel out and the inter-species bonding began.

Glen rides a puppy mosh pit of sorts, burrowing in for warmth after feeding, eventually working his way beneath his new litter mates.

Two days after giving birth, mama dog Giselle allowed Glen to nurse; family photos and a videotape show her encouraging him to suckle alongside her litter of five pups. Now, Glen mostly uses a bottle, but still snuggles with his 'siblings' in a mosh pit of puppies, rolling atop their bodies, and sinking in deeply for a nap.
Glen and his new litter mates, five Papillion puppies, get along together as if they were meant to.
Glen naps after feeding.
Glen makes himself at home with his new litter mates, nuzzling nose-to-nose for a nap after feeding.

Send this along to brighten someone's day!
Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get along
like Glen and the gang?

MORAL OF THE STORY: Keep loving everyone, even the squirrelly ones!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Radiant Roof Sheathing & Tankless Water Heaters

Radiant Roof Sheathing & Tankless Water Heaters

The seasons of winter and summer are very hard for the cooling and the heating systems of anyone’s house. The electricity bills can be very high as the systems try to provide us with a comfortable living condition, while trying to cope up with the heat or the cold. People who have invested in the real estate sector in Hamptons will benefit from installing both roof sheathing (radiant) and water heaters (tankless). These two products will not only help you to achieve a favorable living condition at home, but they will also help in reducing the electricity bills.

Radiant Roof Sheathing

People who live in the Upper Eastern coast have to live with harsh weather conditions, as they have to face prolonged winters with dry and cold weather. In my experience, I have seen that people in this part of the world benefit a lot from installing radiant barriers on their roofs. These barriers (made from aluminum sheeting) can be placed below the sheathing of the roof, as a precaution against intense temperatures. They can reduce the heat absorbed by the roof, which can increase the workload of the air conditioners in the house - I’ve done multiple installations inside Hampton’s Homes, and this argument remains steadfast. In other words, it’s clear that these sheathings can help the air conditioners, by decreasing the excess heat accumulated on the roof. 

The energy consumption of the house will automatically be lowered, when people use these barriers. The heating and cooling of the house can be achieved in a more environment friendly way, as the carbon emission by the heating and cooling devices will be drastically reduced. Also, the entire house will have a uniform temperature, making it an ideal place to live. 

Tankless Water Heaters

Even though it could be a bit expensive at the beginning, In most of the houses I have worked on, people have immensely benefited from installing tankless water heaters. Yes, people would need to make a substantial amount of initial investment but in the long run I have seen that people save a lot of money by installing these heaters. These heaters are highly energy efficient, as they do not have to store water to heat it; rather they heat water as and when needed. This helps in saving a lot of energy, as there is no heat loss, which is caused by stored water.

Hence, there is no need to install a tank with these heaters and they use comparatively lesser energy for heating water. In my experience, these heaters are a great long-term investment as they can help people save money in energy bills. In fact, people can save more than half the money, which they pay in electricity bills, while using traditional heaters.

The radiant roof sheathing and the tankless water heaters are ideal for anyone who is looking to make smart and cost efficient home improvements. 
 (i.e. - Sam is a writer for and advocate for home improvement...)

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have a story to tell all of the parents out there, this is for me as a parent also…
The title is an old adage… BE SLOW TO ANGER
There was a little boy his age was approximately 6 to 7, he was awaiting his father’s arrival from work eagerly. He loved his father he was his favorite hero there was no one better. As his father pulled into the driveway the son jumped with excitement after all for a young child the end of a day never comes soon enough. As his father got out of his beautiful new car, his son greeted him arms spread wide they clutched and held each other the father picking his son up and rocking back and forth. Then he set his son down and head to the house, settling in his favorite chair to read the newspaper before dinner. The son went back to playing outside fiddling around with this and that around the house, at some point finding a hammer and as little boys do commenced to pound on things, as he was hammering he accidentally hit the father’s new car. At first he was shocked by what he had done but noticed how neat the dent was he had created, so at this point continued to beautify his father’s new car with a row of fancy embellishments in a perfect row around the vehicle. Being proud of his accomplishment ran to get his father to show off his artistic ability, as the father hit the door to the carport he was shocked to see dents surrounding his new car. In the heat of the moment the father picked up the hammer and commenced to do his own hammering. As they arrived at the hospital after the incident the son was rushed into surgery while the father waited in the waiting room worried for his son and for the consequences of his actions. After a few hours of surgery the father was brought to his son’s room where he waited for his son to wake from the anesthesia. As the son awoke his father grasped him holding him tightly in his arms as he cried. The son with unconditional love comforted his father saying it was ok, at which point the son looking down and then up at his father asked… “Daddy when can I have my hands back?