Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Does Anyone Know How To Be An American?

As I was watching the start of the Honduras vs USA in soccer, I noticed something interesting. As they played the Honduras National Anthem, each player had his hand on his heart. Most of you will think "ya, so what..." well, this is not the interesting part. As their Anthem played and the camera panned down the line of teammates each Honduras player was singing word for word in sink, while intent on looking at their nation's flag. You still may think "ya, so what..." When it came time for the "Star Spangled Banner" each USA player had their hand on their heart, but not one of them were looking at Old Glory, I saw two as they panned down the line singing, randomly, not word for word, just hit and miss.
Now I bring this up because, I changed to the start of the NBA Finals. What did I see? Sadly the same thing, but even worse. Very highly paid athletes, no hands on their heart, eyes wondering all over. Like children, clueless to the young lady singing her heart out as they stand their oblivious to her, the National Anthem, and our Nations flag.

Is this what our country has come to? Do we not even think about the people that founded this country? Are we all so self absorbed in ourselves that we can't stop and think for a few minutes about what the words of the Star Spangled Banner even mean or represent? How many of us even know the other three verses? Does it take a tragedy like 9/11 for us to wake up and honor our country like we already should be?

As I sat there listening to this young lady sing this beautiful Anthem and she gets to this part... "O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
My wife asks me what's wrong. My reply was, this part of the Anthem especially gets to me.... "LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE"
Who made us free? It's obvious, in the beginning of our country... Our founding fathers did... They fought for their freedom and ours before we were even here. Now, men and women do it for us.

So, why can't we stand with our hand over our heart intently gazing upon OLD GLORY and sing the STAR SPANGLED BANNER for a few minutes and show some pride and respect for this great country that we live in? Is that really to much to ask of anyone, especially athletes that are held in such high esteem? When they represent the USA in the Olympics, I expect them to show their pride by standing tall hand over their heart and singing the National Anthem.