Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Guest Blogger: How to Create an Inspiring Themed Room for Your Child

Posted: 21 Nov 2011 03:36 AM PST
Guest Blogger #263, November 21, 2011
Does your child love Harry Potter or are they a bigger fan of Disney princesses? What better way to celebrate their favorite movie, TV show, or book than with a themed bedroom as a present?
There are many ways to create a kids themed bedroom, even for parents with little to no prior home decorating experience.

Wall Treatments

The most obvious place to start in creating a new theme is the wall of your son or daughter’s room. You have tons of options with wall treatments and colors. You can paint a background featuring a scene from a movie, and use that as your backdrop. How about getting some great wall stickers of the characters from the movie or TV show and bringing them to life in your child’s room? Best of all, wall stickers won’t damage the paint when you take them off. If all that sounds too difficult, choose a color scheme that fits with the theme, and then get some great accessories to make the room look the way you want.
themed kids room1 Wall murals are a great way to bring in a creative theme
Image via


You can get really creative with furniture. Try painting a dresser to give to make it match the feeling of your child’s favorite book. You could even make a border to go around a mirror or even add some details to a headboard to give it the look you want. You don’t have to break the bank to have creative furniture either. Try looking around at swap meets and used furniture stores for something that you can paint or embellish in some way. It really is amazing seeing what people throw away or sell for cheap.


Window treatments are an easy way to create a bold statement in a bedroom. You can make or buy curtains to completely change the feeling and mood of a room, and they are super easy to change later if your child’s tastes change.
themed kids room2 Create a wonderland for your child
Image via


The little details are what bring the whole room together to create the theme and mood. There are so many accessories you can use to get the desired outcome. A throw pillow and new bedspread are two easy things, or candles and pictures can also add to your overall look and feel. Consider using small details like bookends or larger statements like an area rug. Just be careful that you don’t buy too many accessories or you will clutter up your child’s room. Stick to a handful of items with a planned function for each, and you will have a great space for your son or daughter to step into their favorite scene.
themed kids room3 What liitle girl wouldn't love this Cinderella themed room?
Image via
Whether your child likes Buzz and Woody, Hello Kitty, or Star Wars, you can give them a themed room with a little planning ahead and not too much bang on your budget.
This post was written by Derek Dasher, a regular contributor at He enjoys writing about a variety of home-related topics including home improvement, home security, and DIY projects.
For more children’s rooms ideas, click here.

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